Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My friend is doing a good GIVEAWAY

Who doesn't like Giveaways??? I sure do! So my friend LeeAnn is having a good one....Check our her blog The Life of Rylie...and Bryce too!

She is awesome online and in real life. =) She has two adorable kids, she works, and has this fantastic blog! I don't know how she does it all.

She's having a giveaway for Costumes4Less until September 21st. I've ordered from this site before and they are pretty great. She is giving away a $30 gift certificate to Costumes4Less to one of her readers. So GO and enter in her contest and you can mention I sent you. =)


  1. Thanks for the mention!

    WOW! Your blog is so pretty! I haven't been over here in a while so I am just now seeing the new look. Awesome!

  2. Thanks LeeAnn! I *love* your blog so much, someday I will pay or trade something for an upgrade somewhere. =)
