Friday, August 20, 2010

C's Football Onesie

My quick Friday blog post. I meant to post this yesterday but oh well. A friend of mine found a cute shirt she wanted to make for her son. Her son is 5 months or so and his older sister is a cheerleader for a middle school I think. Anyway, she wanted to try to make shirt for him in the school colors that was football related, but she didn't know where to start. She showed a couple of pictures and asked "How the heck do I do this?"

So I went digging through my fabric stash and I had some brown, I had some white, and had some blues for her to choose from. So I whipped this up for her son to wear tomorrow and the rest of the season.
I think I'm going to make Alligator some in Patriots, Gators, and Jags colors with a bow on top of the football somehow. Then plop them in my Etsy store. Anyone have any other team suggestsions? How much would something like this sell for?