I made Angela a boppy cover. I found a couple patterns and tutorials online, but you may know I do not do well with patterns...so I pretty much made my own. I think it looks pretty cute. She had her little boy, Caden, last Thursday, and she loves navy. So its navy blue with little white polka dots. Very cute. I can't wait to make my own. ;-)
Gianna stayed over a couple weekends ago and we made pancakes for breakfast. We normally make something more fun like cupcakes but we didn't quite have that kind of time this time, so funcakes it is. We used cookie cutters to make fun shapes after we made the pancackes. This was Gianna's breakfast.

My favorite part of making these panackes were the leftovers. I put mine in a bowl and mashed it up with some syrup...yummmy! Also here are some of the other shapes we ate.

I will post again soon with an update about my awesome Craigslist find and about something I sent to a pregnant friend. (I can't post until she gets it!!)
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