Sunday, November 20, 2011

Birthday Party Fun

This weekend we celebrated a 2nd birthday! Alligator's birthday isn't until Monday. At this point 2 years ago I was still in the labor process on day 2 of a 3 day induction. We had tons of friends and family over on Saturday and a good time was had by all!

Here is the door "wreath" I made. I made it in the shape of a 2 because that was, of course, more fun!

Cupcake toppers made by a great friend! Purple funfetti cupcakes with funfetti frosting. (There was a birthday banner to match but it got lost from one birthday party last weekend to this birthday party this weekend.)

Yummy sugar cookies I made in the shape of flowers and number 2s. (Harder to ice these shapes really quick than I thought, good thing they tasted great!)

The cake done by Publix. All I did was give them the plates and tell them to "make it pretty and like these."

The light over the dining room table decorated with some pretty ornaments.

The yummy buffet. Cupcake stands I made out of a dollar store pizza pan, some candle holders, and gorilla glue. Normally I use these for our Halloween party decorations, painted black and covered in candle wax.

Alligator was VERY excited about her pom poms she got as a gift from my cousin. My friend over at Polka Dot Lolli Pop lives nearby and made this shirt for her Friday night. I actually dropped it off to her at 11pm and she brought it to me the next morning. She's awesome. =) I made the skirt to match (slightly big for room to grow).

Very exciting pom poms.

The hallway showing the magnet board I made. I used a piece of metal (FREE!) and put in a heavy duty frame with backing. Used a monster type of hanging hook to make sure it was sturdy. The kids love it!

A bounce house borrowed from a friend and neighbor provided great entertainment in the back yard!

The only goo picture I have of the two of us. She was very happy to be singing Happy Birthday. She says "Happy Bap" for Happy Birthday. She really enjoyed it.

She also really enjoyed the cake. She took her first bite by the handful. Yummy.

She did end up using a fork for a couple bites.

Little Mallinator had a great time too. She will be 8 months on the 1st and she did so great during the party. She took 2 naps and was hugged and loved by many. She is crawling all around now and really enjoyed playing with some of Alligator's new toys.

Thank you to all our friends and family for coming to celebrate with us! Hope to post more frequently now that the Halloween and Birthday stuff is over with. My Etsy shop and Facebook page were super busy for Halloween with orders.Thanks for reading!


  1. Awww, looks like a wonderful birthday party!!! Everything is so beautiful and she looks so happy!!

  2. You took some great pics of the details. Everything turned out great!

  3. That comment above was from me...dont know why it doesnt show me like it used to.
    Maria (aka Auntie, aka EE-aah)
