Sunday, November 25, 2007

IKEA, IKEA, IKEA....finally in Orlando!

My husband came up with the brilliant idea of checking out the new IKEA today. I couldn't believe my ears when he said it, because I've REALLY wanted to go. It just opened on November 14th, so I was trying to wait it out a bit....but we did it today. We were there along with about 1000 other people. It was crazy!!

We walked in the doors like a herd of cattle, directed upstairs, handed a map, and sent on our way. I was honestly hoping for something a little more "magical" when I walked in the doors, but oh well.

We stopped off at the restrooms first, just in case, and then up the escalators we went. I felt like I was walking through the catalog we just got in the mail. It was SO fun! I couldn't believe how my husband was so into the stuff as I was.

So many ideas, so many items, so many thoughts running through my head as we're meandering was almost too much to handle combined with the tons of people everywhere.
(I don't do well in crowds when shopping...)

We did find a few things that we found useful.
We got a 3 drawer cabinet for the office to match the lime green stuff I've already added in there. We got some wall mounted shelves that will soon have a fresh coat
of paint, and a home behind our couch in the living room, and a magazine rack for our office to help with the piles that end up on the desk.

There were so many things I wanted there. The fabrics, oh the fabrics I wanted to buy. :-(
I need to find a job before I start buying up IKEA....maybe there are hiring?

OK, well, for anyone reading, that is my first IKEA story. I will hopefully be going back again soon during the week on a much calmer shopping day when I can more leisurely make my way through the store.

PS- I cannot believe the humongous-ness of this place! A day care, a restaurant, and another food place on the way if only the people in the red shirts outside working the parking lot weren't so rude. I hope they aren't there all the time!

OK, goodnight. :-)

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